2018 reunion
It’s all over, the planning and organization by the committee over the last several months proved to be a resounding success.
Over 100 attendees including many wives of the original trainees.
Unfortunately quite a few friends from those early years were not contactable due to many different reasons.
Col Pegg and Peter Douglas had organised a display of all the original photos of trainees plus many other photos.
Col and Peter also transported a brilliant display of past PMG equipment from their pride of place at the Albion Exchange museum.
Col talked about the museum and how he and others often travel to recover old PMG equipment.
Harry talked about past history and how we all had the best of times ever.
Ron Poole donated a plaque to Col showing the staff related to the Seacom project and its final switch off at Townsville Radiocom building 29 years ago.
Peter encouraged every one to mingle and talk about old and new experiences. And we certainly did that, The day ended far to soon.
Following are a few photos taken by Peter Douglas at the reunion. Any other photos taken at the event will be greatly appreciated
Hope to see everyone again in 2023, hopefully the same organising committee will do equally as well in 5 years time.
Anyone wanting high resolution photo copies both Peter Douglas and I have them available.
Opening speech by Noel Sander Click here